Welcome Home

join us this Sunday @ 830 am, 1030am, 5pm for worship, Holy Communion and a message from the Bible.
We meet on Saxon Drive and Bethune Beach we would love to have you.

Location Details

4220 Saxon Drive, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169

“Follow me and I will make you fishers of people.”

Matthew 4:19

Latest Sermons

God, the Gardener

God the Father is a gardener. Jesus Christ is the vine. When we are connected to him we share in the very source of love and strength that created the universe. By the power of the Holy Spirit we can experience God’s love.

The Good Shepherd

When Jesus refers to himself as our Good Shepherd he speaks of one who provides for us, one who protects us and above all who gives us life. Text: John 10:11-18

God’s Amazing Surprise

Jesus’ resurrection is startling, it is confounding, but most of all it is life giving and empowering. Peter Tepper speaks to us about how Jesus appeared to his friends on the evening of that first Easter Sunday. May every Sunday be as startling and life giving as that first Easter evening. ⁠Luke 24:36b-48⁠

Put Your Hand on my Beating Heart

When Jesus meets with Thomas and the rest of his disciples after the resurrection he wants to breath joy into their dismay, belief into their disbelief, and power into their inability.

Next Events

Sunday Worship Services

Sic enim dilexit Deus mundum ut Filium suum unigenitum daret ut omnis qui credit in eum non pereat sed habeat vitam aeternam. In principio creavit Deus caelum et terram.
toys kids sunday school

Children’s Church

Recurring Event This event can recur weekly when using the Church Content Pro add-on. If there were to be a summer break, you could set a “Recur Until” date. You could also set dates to exclude (such as holidays). Sample Heading Propterea sicut per unum hominem in hunc mundum peccatum intravit et per peccatum mors et ita in omnes homines mors pertransiit in quo omnes peccaverunt. Sic enim dilexit Deus mundum ut Filium suum unigenitum daret ut omnis qui credit in eum non…

Tuesday Evening Bible Study

Sic enim dilexit Deus mundum ut Filium suum unigenitum daret ut omnis qui credit in eum non pereat sed habeat vitam aeternam. In principio creavit Deus caelum et terram. Omnis enim quicumque invocaverit nomen Domini salvus erit. In principio creavit Deus caelum et terram. Recurring Event You can schedule events like this to repeat weekly on multiple days (e.g. every week on Sunday and Wednesday) with Church Content Pro. Example List In principio creavit Deus caelum et terram. Omnis enim quicumque invocaverit…

Holy Communion and Healing Service

We meet every Wednesday at 10am to break bread together, dig into God’s word and pray for one another.

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